Chris M Lobo

for Member at Large


I would like to take this opportunity to thank the people of the Acjachemen Nation for the opportunity to serve as Secretary/ Treasurer. I was appointed to the Tribal Council in early 2007 to fill the vacancy opened by Chris A. Lobo the sitting Secretary/ Treasurer of over ten years. In filling the remainder of this term I have affected the duties of this position to the best of my ability and to the benefit of our Nation.


It is my hope to continue to serve our Nation and this Council further in the capacity of Member at Large in the next term. I am endorsing current Nominee and Tribal Council Member Nathan Banda for the position of Secretary/Treasurer. It has been my privilege to work with him on Council, participate in ceremonies, and volunteer projects in the community.  I also endorse fellow Member at Large nominee Cecelia Martinez.


I share the vision of our leaders Chairman Rivera and Vice-Chairwoman Yorba in the hopes of finishing the Federal Recognition process and successfully meeting all 7 criteria's for Acknowledgement in this term. I am confident in there dedication and wisdom and look forward to working with them to realize this goal.


I am a lineal descendant of Sergia Xiguiguividam of the village of Tobe, the Great Grandson of Hope Adeliada "Robles" Lobo Secretary of the Mission Indian Federation San Juan Capistrano Chapter, and the Grandson of Chief Clarence H. Lobo.

 Working hard for the members of this Nation

 Together, Chris and Nathan work hard during the Recognition Project

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